Apr 9, 2015

Shirtless in the Summer

I hate horseflies.

Someone told me recently
if you catch one,
take a small stick
or a toothpick
and shove it in their ass
it weighs them down
and the horsefly
will fly straight up.
The thing is
trying to fly
away from the pain
and can't fly
any way
but up.
I don’t know

if bugs have
anything like realization,
but there must be a moment
high above the trees
when none of the
impulses can be satisfied,
nothing to smell,
nowhere to land,
up and up and up

and there must be
some chemical overload
of a hundred bug thoughts
scrambling fear
as the freezing blue sky
becomes everything
fills your insect body
and there’s nothing to do
but tug up this enormous weight
and suffocate.

It’s that moment I wouldn’t wish on anybody,
not matter how many stupid times
you’ve bitten me.

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