Jan 16, 2013


It feels like standing in an open, unmarked field.
There are no mountains towards which to head, no creek to follow--
someone flying overhead by chance or bumping my in an all-terrain
would never even distinguish it from the rest of the scenery.
But if you soak in this nameless territory long enough
you find landmarks in it. You chase a rabbit,
trace a vein of redder earth, consent to your body's natural cant
and thus make of your world a series of unstandard ellipses.
You can never know when you have returned to the same spot,
set by the obsolete signs of latitude, longitude. But there is progress.
The redder earth has been traced. Boundary lines have been drawn,
and even as they collapse on themselves, as they will, spectacularly,
you have already worn yourself a spot from which to watch.

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