Jan 19, 2013

Why So Serious?

Someone is honking behind me.
He wants me to stop gawking at the way
the sunset is gleaming off the skyscrapers and
go while the light is green.

I put on my hazards,
which tells him I don’t give a shit
about intersections, and where exactly
does he think he’s going anyway.

I told my therapist people often tell me
to lighten up.
This confuses me ‘cause I think I take things
way less seriously than they do.

If I pretend my job is really important
everyone’s pleased with me,
but if I talk about how
many people in Texas can now light their faucets on fire,

whoever I’m talking to usually gets
this concerned look in their eyes,
tell me take it easy. Stop being so
intense all the time. It’s not my fault

the most perfect place
in all of Chicago
to watch this sunset
happens to be

right here.


until it’s past.

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