Jan 7, 2013

I Look Forward to Hearing from You

So, I’ve had this dead raccoon
tied to my ankle for the past few months.
Which was fine before it started snowing.
But now I’m leaving these funny-looking tracks behind me
all over town: my footprints’re half smudged-out
by the outline of something that might have half-a-face.
And I’ve been looking for work, so,
you know, the scavenger corpse narrows my prospects.
Office jobs are out. Reception, even—
anything you have to look presentable.
The smell doesn’t hurt my chances at the lumberyard.
But it’s winter, work’s dried up.
They all tell me they’ll let me know
if something opens up.
I just keep my head up, though.
Follow my intuition.
If I sense a scent there’s something
here for me, I go on my gut.
Just ignore the limp weight that makes me hesitate,
pulls back on my every impulse,
the shushing of something gone
being dragged behind me.


  1. I honestly cant tell what this is supposed to be about, but after reading a handful of others then reading this one again it soomehow seemed to be describing something familiar to me-someting that I doubt this is refering to since you are not me. i dunno, maybe thats the point. anyway. i like it.

  2. I think this 30/30 project is actually an operation. Operation LikeChrisMoreAndMoreEachDay. So far, it is going smoothly.

  3. There's that honesty.
    Beautiful, my friend.

  4. I'm ahuge fan of this poem. I LOKE IT!
