Jan 22, 2013

The Blessings of Nothing Special *

Beer glass on bar top.
Thermal long-sleeve.
Sunny Montana Monday,
national holiday.
I live in America and I’m glad,
not because this country’s great,
but because this country’s great:
hot water standard.
Stove, gas or electric.
I don’t have a disease
that keeps my body from digesting food properly,
but if I did, I’d have
drugs to help me digest my food properly.
I don’t need glasses
to read the newspaper.
But if I did, I’d have
glasses to read the newspaper.
I can read the newspaper.
I can read.
I’m I.
And sometimes that’s a heavy burden, this I.
Sometimes this I stinks like a canine corpse
and zombies like a fascist football commentator
But this I-ing is miraculous.
The hair on my arm that ends at my hands.
The scar on my left hand that gleams hardcore.
The fingers of my left hand that still have feeling.
These feelings.
I speak English,
and for some reason everyone else does, too.
This chicken ham sandwich is delicious.
Why is there a chicken ham sandwich in front of me?
Huh, universe?
Why a universe?
Why a Big Bang
and not a small poof?
Why not nothing at all?
That would be so much more sensible.
Nonsense, thank you
for blessing me with sense
enough to be sensitive
to what shouldn't make sense
and does anyway
so I can bow to these blessings
bestowed upon nobody special
from nothing specific
in no particular order.
The bartender asks
do I need anything else.

* Title taken from Paul S. Bellwoar's poem "Columbus Day"


  1. And sometimes that’s a heavy burden, this I.


    Why is there a chicken ham sandwich in front of me?
    Huh, universe?
    Why a universe?

    Very nice. I kind of feel like the last line isn't necessary, though, and even discredits you a bit as being alcohol buzzed rather than universally/existentially buzzed. All in all, though, a nice piece.
